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Recent Print Issue: Volume 7 Issue 3


Ilias Bantekas

The institutional rules of International Sports Federations (“IFs”) and the International Olympic Committee (“IOC”) concerning nationality and its transfer therein are regulated by the Nottebohm safeguard, which requires the conferral of nationality under domestic laws to be consistent with international law for the conferral to be valid in the international legal sphere. The international sporting arenas qualify as international legal space, but the compatibility of naturalization laws with this legal space is regulated and enforced not by states, but by non-state entities...

Thibault Moulin

Since the invasion of Ukraine, Western states have faced a dual red line, i.e., at what point neutrality loss and co-belligerency occur. In this Article, I argue that neutrality law is still relevant regarding arms transfers and troop training, which are prohibited, but is often ill-suited to regulate activities like intelligence sharing, which is not subject to a specific treaty or customary rule. As this Article argues, this is because “impartiality” cannot be described as an abstract and autonomous rule, but rather as an umbrella principle underpinning the law of neutrality...

Ryan Martínez Mitchell

The People’s Republic of China is rapidly constructing a new regime for economic and diplomatic sanctions. With its Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law (AFSL) and related legislation, Beijing has taken a step towards legally formalizing the means of pressure it uses against states, organizations, or individuals seen as threatening its core interests. Meanwhile, various informal coercive measures also continue to be employed. While questions remain about their scope and future uses, Beijing has especially extolled AFSL sanctions as countermeasures to U.S. interference. This Article...

Mia Mahmudur Rahim & Mohammad Abu Sayeed

Businesses incorporate corporate social responsibility principles mainly through voluntary and mandatory approaches. Advocates of the voluntary approach believe that companies can use charitable initiatives as a management tool to meet social and environmental expectations and that mandating Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) would not encourage companies to prioritize anything beyond profits. Opponents argue...


The Complex Issue of Taxpayer-Funded Crisis Relief for Religious Organizations: Exploring the Blurring of Church and State and the Potential Role of Germany's Church Tax

Sarah Batterman

Toward a Biometric Privacy Act to Protect Individual Rights: What the United States Can Learn from the European Union and China

Sophia Hilsman

Race Against the Clock: A Comparative Analysis of New York State's and Germany's Ambitious High-Voltage Transmission Siting Laws and What New York Can Adopt from the German Model

Andrew Leahy

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